Department of Water Resources
Facilitation Support Services Application
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is offering Facilitation Support Services (FSS) to help GSAs and local water management groups foster discussions among diverse water management interests and jurisdictions in support of Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) implementation.

For questions or assistance with this FSS Application, contact Christina Boggs-Chavira at or (916) 384-6061.
I. Applicant Background

(Questions 1-6 of 17)
* 1) Select the groundwater basin/subbasin that is requesting FSS:
* 2) Enter applicant information:
Applicant Name:
Point of Contact:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
*3) Is the applicant affiliated with a GSA?
Which GSA is the applicant affiliated with, or if not affiliated with a GSA, briefly describe how the request for professional facilitation will aid SGMA implementation for the groundwater basin/subbasin identified above, and how the applicant plans to work with the GSAs.
* 4) Please provide a brief narrative discussion on the applicant's current involvement, roles, and responsibilities regarding SGMA implementation activities located within the groundwater basin/subbasin.
*5) What other professional facilitation funding or services has the applicant received from the State?
(please specify)
6) Please explain the scope of any active professional facilitation.
II. Collaboration within and across Groundwater Basin/Subbasin Boundaries

(Questions 7-10 of 17)
Note: DWR FSS for SGMA implementation requires collaboration amongst GSAs at the groundwater basin/subbasin level, and encourages collaboration across groundwater basin/subbasin boundaries.
* 7) List all GSAs (and/or other water management entities) within the groundwater basin/subbasin that the applicant is currently collaborating with, or intends to collaborate with, on SGMA implementation:
* 8) Are there any GSAs (and/or other water management entities) across the groundwater basin/subbasin boundary, that the applicant currently is, or intends to collaborate with, on SGMA implementation?
* 9) Please discuss the nature of collaboration. What are the GSAs collaborating on?
* 10) Which beneficial uses and users of groundwater has the applicant established a venue for engagement, or plans to establish a
venue for engagement? (List all applicable uses and users of groundwater – see Water Code Section 10723.2)
III. Facilitation Needs

(Questions 11-14 of 17)
* 11) Please explain the key challenges the applicant has encountered that has led to the need for professional facilitation.
* 12) DWR’s FSS program requires applicants to have a well-defined goal for the requested services. What is the applicant’s goal for professional facilitation?
* 13) Which facilitation support services are you seeking? (select all that apply)
(please specify)
14) Regarding SGMA implmentation activities, is there any additional information you would like to provide that professional facilitation will help support?
IV. Applicant's Commitments

(Questions 15-16 of 17)
*15) DWR requires ALL of the following commitments from applicants benefiting from DWR’s FSS program. Please review and select the commitments you agree to:
Is there any additional information you would like to add?
16) Are there any other considerations DWR should take into account?
V. Anticipated Tasks and Timeline

(Questions 17 of 17)
17) Please summarize anticipated tasks, deliverables, and completion dates to be completed with support of DWR FSS.
(Applicants can use the text box or attach files below.)