* 2) Groundwater basin/subbasin applicant information:
* 3) Is the applicant affiliated with a GSA?
Please describe the GSA(s) or local agency(s) and the nature of the applicant's affiliation.
*4) Who is the intended audience for the meeting or event?
* 5) Are there any particular focus areas that the GSA is currently working through and getting feedback from interested parties on during public meetings? (select all that apply)
*6) What language(s) does your GSA need interpretation services for?
*7) Which type of meeting will require interpretation services? (select all that apply)
* 8) What is the planned meeting format?
* 9) For a typical meeting, how many attendees would need the assistance of an interpreter?
10) Please provide the event date and venue address.
(Note: To encourage the intentionality of offering verbal interpretation services, please let us know 28 days or more in advance of your meeting or event,
in order to maximize your outreach in the interpreted language.)
Please upload the promotional flyer and any informational materials related to the event, if available at this time (i.e., public notice or flyer, agenda, presentation materials). The DWR
service provider will translate the materials to the selected languages for the intended audience.